The Time, Dimensions, and Quantum Mechanical Bundle

Five Books all about Time Travel, Dimensional Travel, Quantum Mechanics, and Our Universe:

These books explore different aspects of our Reality from the fact that Time Portals exist to multiple dimensions interpenetrate our world and that some animals and beings transport themselves between these dimesions.

That the future is a probability and you can change the probable path that you follow.

$39.99 USD The individual Ebooks are $45 USD

The Five Books in the Bundle

  • 1) Quantum Mechanics, Technology, Consciousness, and the Multiverse
  • 2) Real Time Travel Stories From a Psychic Engineer
  • 3) The Real Nature of Time: An Analysis of Physics, Prophecy, and Time Travel Experiences
  • 4) Stories of Parallel Dimensions
  • 5) We Live in a Malleable Reality

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