Why Should You Want to Learn this History?

  • You will know the sources of many mysteries of history
  • Learn the True Site of Atlantis in West Africa
  • When did Giants live on Earth and who were they?
  • How can many Out of Place Artifacts (OOPAs) exist which are thousands or millions of years old?

An Ancient Wheel Embedded in Coal Mine 300 million years old

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Learn About Anomalies of History Training Here

Hello I'm Marty Ettington and researched and written a number of books on the Ancient History over the years.

Contact me for Questions at:


As a result I developed a training course to help people learn about the mysteries and anomalies found in Ancient History

Some Questions About History to be answered:

  • How can there be so many Out of Place Artifacts (OOPAs) existing before man existed?
  • What ruins exist underwater which were built many thousands of years ago?
  • Who built the ancient underground wall in Rockwall, Texas?
  • What Ancient underground cities and towns exist on Earth?
  • Did a civilization on Earth exist 300 Million years ago?
  • The case for the destruction of civilization about 10,500 B.C.

The research I've done for my fifteen history books have led me to find many patterns and inconsistances in current thinking. This course shares many of these myteries and anomalies with you.

Benefits to Better Understanding these Mysteries

  • What the likely location of The city of Atlantis really is
  • Why civilization probably fell in about 10,500 B.C.
  • Why it is likely a civilization really existed 300 Million Years ago
  • What are the legends of Underground Civilizations which Might be true?
  • What are some of the large number of Underwater ruins of Cities?
  • How far back in time intelligence has made an imprint on our world?

More Information to Build Your Confidence in this Training Course

Signup to get FREE samples of the Historical Anomalies Training Program

You will be emailed one sample of videos, documents, and more each day for six days to help you see the value of this online training


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