The Personal Longevity Overview Video

Do Long-Lived People Really Exist?

My research led me to lots of information about persons who had lived even up to 256 years old. There were so many stories there had to be some truth in them. And how did they live so long?

Follow Me to Uncover the Secrets of Longevity

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Do You Want to Live a Long Time?

What is your Longevity Goal?

How to Get there?

  • To live a healthier lifestyle and have the energy to be more active in life. Enjoy life more.
  • Learn the Longevity Lifestyle which improves your health long term and allows you to participate in life more fully.
  • As a professional offer longevity services for your clients to build value and revenue. Something new they can use
  • The Personal Longevity training program was designed for professionals who want to offer more to their clients on the subject of longevity
  • Learn and do specific things that will improve long-term health & longevity
  • Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical focus you learn. This includes the same diets long-lived cultures prepare and eat.

Won't You Want to Live Long?

What is your Longevity Goal?

  • To live a healthier lifestyle and have the energy to be more active in life. Enjoy life more.
  • As a professional, longevity service for your clients to build value and revenue. Something new they can use
  • Learn and do specific things that will improve long-term health & longevity

How to Get to these goals?

  • Learn the Longevity Lifestyle which improves your health long term and allows you to participate in life more fully.
  • The Personal Longevity training program was designed for professionals who want to offer more to their clients on the subject of longevity
  • Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical focus you learn. This includes the same diets long-lived cultures prepare and eat.


Contact me for Questions at:

Hello, I'm Marty Ettington.

Through years of research and personal exploration, I've discovered numerous ways to live healthier and extend your life for decades. I've compiled this invaluable knowledge into comprehensive books and a full course guide, designed to help you unlock the secrets of longevity and embrace a vibrant, extended life. Join me on this journey to uncover the fascinating methods of achieving a long, healthy life.

I also developed the 10 Principles of Personal Longevity

What are the 10 Principles?

More Benefits of Using these 10 Principles are here:

  • Knowledge of Long Lived People and how they live so long
  • Define and Detail Your Purpose in Life
  • The Psychology of Living a Long Time
  • How Spirituality Improves your health too
  • How Love and Happiness Help You Live Longer
  • Science and it's Application to Longevity
  • Diets, Lifestyles, Foods, and Supplement to improve health and longevity
  • Keeping Your Body Healthy covering weight, diet, and exercise
  • Learn to Use Intuition for Safety
  • Practices to improve your Longevity to live decades longer
  • Additional Books and Resources you can download for free with each training module

How Your Life Will Change:

  • You will plan your life more knowing you will live decades longer
  • Learn to visualize your future to improve your safety
  • Learn to follow the Diet and Lifestyles of long-lived people which will enhance your short and long-term health
  • Many visualization exercises to improve your Mindfulness and Peace of Mind
  • Learn how a positive attitude will increase your happiness in life

Hello, I'm Marty Ettington.

Through years of research and personal exploration, I've discovered numerous ways to live healthier and extend your life for decades. I've compiled this invaluable knowledge into comprehensive books and a full course guide, designed to help you unlock the secrets of longevity and embrace a vibrant, extended life. Join me on this journey to uncover the fascinating methods of achieving a long, healthy life.

I also developed the 10 Principles of Personal Longevity

What are the 10 Principles?

The 10 Principles are Listed here:

More Benefits of Using these 10 Principles are here:

  • Knowledge of Long Lived People and how they live so long
  • Define and Detail Your Purpose in Life
  • The Psychology of Living a Long Time
  • How Spirituality Improves your health too
  • How Love and Happiness Help You Live Longer
  • Science and it's Application to Longevity
  • Diets, Lifestyles, Foods, and Supplement to improve health and longevity
  • Keeping Your Body Healthy covering weight, diet, and exercise
  • Learn to Use Intuition for Safety
  • Practices to improve your Longevity to live decades longer
  • Additional Books and Resources you can download for free with each training module

How Your Life Will Change:

  • You will plan your life more knowing you will live decades longer
  • Learn to visualize your future to improve your safety
  • Learn to follow the Diet and Lifestyles of long-lived people which will enhance your short and long-term health
  • Many visualization exercises to improve your Mindfulness and Peace of Mind
  • Learn how a positive attitude will increase your happiness in life


MEET Christian Jacobsen Drakenberg died at 150 years old in 1772. A sailor for 91 years, he fought in the war against Sweden and became a merchant seaman. In 1694, he was taken prisoner by Algerian pirates but set free after 15 years of slavery; he resumed his life as a seaman.


The Longest Lived person of record-256 Years

"Keep Quiet heart, Sit Like a Tortoise, Sleep Like a Dog," is His advice for a Long Life. Inquiry Put Age At 256.


The Longest Lived person of record-256 Years. He said:

"Keep Quiet heart, Sit Like a Tortoise, Sleep Like a Dog," is His advice for a Long Life. Inquiry Put Age At 256.

Don't You Think We Could Achieve This Too?

That's Where The Personal Longevity Training Course Comes In!

This Course used to be available exclusively to Professionals For $1995 per Person.

Many were certified as Longevity Coaches after completing this course and taking tests to prove they knew the materials. They would then use this training as additional content to help their work as Counsellors, Massage Therapists, Nutritionists, Personal Trainers, or other professionals.

Now we have decided to offer this training to everyone who wants to improve their longevity by decades for only $1995 $155 for the whole training program (And more order options)


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